An Old Favourite.

Old favourites of ours, the Shibata family are warm, friendly and very family oriented. The senior Shibata san is passing the reins to his daughter and her husband Yuki is destined to be the ‘kuramotono’ (president) of the shuzo (brewery).

Yuki has 2 daughters and in a play on words which only the Japanese would understand he has named 2 of his products after his 2 daughters. One is a mikanshu and the other a yuzushu. The label has a manga cartoon of each of them and as they grow older, the label will change to reflect what they look like. Enjoy in a high ball glass with three fingers of mikanshu etc, three ice cubes and topped up with mineral or soda water.

The taste is from natural minimal intervention village fruit and the base is sake, not shochu, so a more gentle taste is imparted.






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